Wednesday, February 18, 2009

hey guys,
here to just kinda like list down all the prayer request,
cos we might miss some ppl out when we go through the tags,
so yeah,
lets move on together k?

thanks guys, when we pray together, God certainly will change the life of ppl, no matter how small the problem, just tell Him k. jiayou and take care yeah?


previously was asking for u guys to pray for me to be able to handle the overwhelming school stress. yeah, i'm those who panic very very easily and will get very scared whenever i cant complete my school work which is also now significantly increasing.

but God really helped me, whenever i woke up late for school or the bus is simply too crowded to get in, i will be kinda scared cos i dont wanna be late, but God never fails to help me get to school on time,

and the stress tt i had been facing had actually seem tt it will never end, but nowadays, i am really coping quite well, despite all those test tt are coming up which usually makes me even more stress. but due to God's amazing grace,
He never fails to bring peace to my heart, just as He had promised.i wanna encourage all of us to continue with our masterlife,

and even our daily quiet time where u spend time with God," trust in the Lord with all ur heart, and lean not on ur own understanding, in ALL ur ways aknowledge Him and He will make ur path straight"

jiayou guys

Acts5 praised Jesus at 9:30 PM

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Unity Secondary school will be having a FunFair On 6th of June in Celebration of the School's 10th year anniversary.
I have 10 tickets each worth $5 for the Fair. If you want to show your support, kindly approach me during Cellgroup to Purchase. (it counts as my CIP also, So please Help!)
Can buy less than $5 but not recomended cause will be messy but can 2 ppl share 1?

-Gabriel Kwong

Acts5 praised Jesus at 3:44 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hey Guys! & gals too... Haha. How are u all doing? Hope u enjoy ur school! For me, Im having holiday next month! With Sally & Georgina too! But Huifang already got holiday now.... So good :'( Anyway... lets press on for God & do masterlife daily, even though school may be tough now, cos God deserves our best!!! Lets run this race together, not forgetting to encourage one another as bros & sis! Heres an article bout martyrs in japan history. Read it patiently, don't be lazy!=P Take note of the part bout a 12 yr old boy who was also martyred. Hope it stirs up ur heart!

Acts5 praised Jesus at 12:47 AM

Monday, February 9, 2009

hi guys, blog's dying so here i am!
yeah, dont know if this 1 month+ of school made u real tired,
but from me,
i can only say that we can always run back to God,
where He'll make the perfection of our lifes,
whatever u do,
put Him first&honour Him,
and He'll honour u back;D
jiayous acts5!
pray for cell grp & ppl around u k?
pray even for those who are doing well ,
pray that God will continue to stay with them,
and pray for those who are not around,
dont leave them behind k?

Acts5 praised Jesus at 9:59 PM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hi! Hows everyone? Hope u all are doing well. If u nd prayer, jus put it in the tagbox, so that we can pray for each other! Anyway, wanna share a vid with everyone. Its very touching! Pls enjoy!

Acts5 praised Jesus at 8:37 PM

Monday, February 2, 2009

Gab kwong's first post

Hi peeps! How is your Day?
No matter how occupied you are, Start your day with a little prayer. It really helps.
Anyway look to God for help in your problems cause there is no point whining.
Yupps that all! Jia yous everyone!

-Gabriel Kwong

Acts5 praised Jesus at 5:27 PM

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Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

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