Sunday, May 31, 2009

Heart Attack Part 3

Acts5 praised Jesus at 8:34 PM

Heart Attack Part 2

Acts5 praised Jesus at 7:20 PM

Heart Attack Part 1

Acts5 praised Jesus at 10:29 AM

CellForum Register and give suggestion!XD


Acts5 praised Jesus at 10:28 AM

Friday, May 29, 2009


Erm due to some Unforsee problems, the posting of Heart Attack series will be delayed to Other time. sorry for the Delay

-gabriel kwong

Acts5 praised Jesus at 7:12 PM

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hi everyone! June holidays is coming! YES!!! Finally can wake up late! L0L. Anyway, we should have a cellgroup outing during holiday time, so i got 3 suggestions :
1. Sentosa on sunday ( Cos sally got attachment & there may be events during weekdays for some people )
2. Movie during the night ( Most probably movies that will be released during that time, so nobody will have any excuse for not going :D )
3. Both ( Sentosa on sunday & movie after that )

Pls give ur feedback or if u have any suggestions u can tell me too. Thanks & all the best to all who are still having exams! :]

Acts5 praised Jesus at 9:51 PM

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Updated Blogskin

So Peeps after Certain Comment that the Previous blogskin's Screen too small, i Changed it so that you can enjoy the video better.... So Once again, Enjoy...

-Gabriel Kwong

Acts5 praised Jesus at 11:15 AM

Saturday, May 16, 2009

This blog's gonna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......


Gonna give a quick update.
Annie lim!, you in charge of blog skins, cause i got no idea what kind of skins is suitable. Ha.
Anybody can help out too! :D

Yea. End here, Bye! (:

Acts5 praised Jesus at 9:29 PM

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Yo guys! Kwong here again... this is my promised video...Xd ENJOY!

Acts5 praised Jesus at 10:49 AM

Friday, May 8, 2009

Hiie! you all coping well with MYE! Pray that in this Process, God can slowly Bless and pour a breakthrough in our lifes.......

Birthday list Updated

Acts5 praised Jesus at 7:38 PM

Sunday, May 3, 2009

HF's B'dae

Here is some pictures and a video on Huifang Birthday!

Georgina,Huifang and Fiona

Georgina,Huifang and Fiona Again!

Group Photo!

Short Video on A part of the Birthday Celebration....

Hope you enjoyed it - Gabriel Kwong

Acts5 praised Jesus at 10:56 AM

Friday, May 1, 2009

Happie Birthday HF!

Hello! Since this Blog is Dying,i Decided i come by to even Entertain it... So how was everyone Day? Stress By Mye? Bring it up to God!
Yupp, those who are having Exam now must Jia Yous Hor! Score Well and Bring God the glory!
Anyways, See you all Tommorroe At Cell ya? Hope to see you all there... Praise God with all your Might and put everything aside, Delicate tommorrow for God k?
Tommorrow is HuiFang day of Birth, so Happy Birthday HuifFAng!
Three Cheer for Hui Fang! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray! Hip Hip Hurray!=D

Acts5 praised Jesus at 7:00 PM

About Us

Church of Singapore Bukit Timah
Service 2
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Everything He Created


Love your enemies - Bible

Shout to The Lord



Dennis 21st
Jeffrey 28th
Albin 29th

Ryan 1st
Gab lee 6th
Chloe 20th
Queena 21st
Melvin 24th
Lywei 28th

HweiYing & Sally 2nd
Shu Xin 11th
Gab Kwong 16th
Annie 26th
Su kai 29th

No One yet!

Huifang 2nd
Jeremy 24th
Kenneth 31st

Jun jie 2nd
Chengs 19th
Godwin 22nd
Joel 25th
Deborah 30th

Sarah & Yvonne 3rd
Alfred 7th

Fangmei & Dinesh 25th
Fiona 30th

Hanyang 4th
Lester 6th

Sergio 29th

No one Yet

Milly 10th
Georgina 11th
VinCent 20th


Gabriel KWONG♥
Do leave a tag for links:D

Monthly Memories

December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
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Blog Skin & Design
Jeremy Teng

Jeremy Teng

Designing Program
Adobe Photoshop

Bible Verses
Matthew 27:50-55 (NIV)
Romans 5:8 (NIV)

IceCracks Fractal Brushes Set1
Tree Brushes by JavierZhX

Creative Commons License
This work by Jeremy Teng (hysterically-weird) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.